Wealth of Ghauroon


Mosses’s causin

Ghauroon was known to be related to Mosses. Either his cousin on his mother or father’s side and Mosses’s sister was engaged to him.

Ghauroon’s wealth came from his knowledge about herbal medicine and prescribing it as needed to patients.

When Mosses resided with Shabe, Ghauroon was leading his own life and after Mosses came back as a prophet of God, Ghauroon was pleased and he thought that he would gain more wealth and power being in Mosses’s shadow.

Ghauroon was a peaceful man and he agreed with and accepted people as they were. He would worship the one God with Mosses and idols with idol worshipers. But when the two groups were in disagreement, Ghauroon was nowhere to be found.

Ghauroon had a good voice so he would be asked to read the Tora for people. He also held high respect for Mosses but the most respect he had was for his wealth.

Ghauroon’s Treasure

While the Israelites were trying to build a new life in the new land, Ghauroon was busy building his wealth. He would buy wheat at a low price, store it and sell it for a higher price. He would make fraudulent medicine and sell to poor and sick people. His only thought was to increase his treasure at any cost.

Bit by bit Ghauroon became conceded and proud of his money. He began to poke fun at other and while people were doing with less, Ghauroon continued building palaces and decorating it with gold and silver. He wore clothes made from silk and jewels hanging from them. He had no regards for the less fortunate.

When people would advise his that gloating is a sin, he replied “why should I, it’s my money and I will live as I choose.”

“Your wealth should be the same as others; there should not be such a gap. We should all live modestly and have equal wealth.” they said.

“Having wealth looks good on me, others can do the same.” Ghauroon answered.

“People’s blood and sweat are in your money.” they said.

“No, I became wealthy from having knowledge. Anyone who has a brain can do the same.” Ghauroon replied.

“if this has to do with having a brain than Mosses has more brains than you. Among the Israelites there are many who possess wisdom and knowledge but they choose to put it to use in a way that benefits people and pleases God .” they said.

Ghauroon laughed. “Those people, if they wanted to, can be like me but choose not to. That’s why they stay with their staffs and books and are happy just listening to Mosses.”

And so Satan would possess the weak into thinking they also want to be like Ghauroon.

The believers would advise the people “don’t judge what’s on the surface. Ghauroon is being tested by God and there have been others like him and for some their outcome was not positive.”

People’s jealousy toward Ghauroon would not subside and there were some who drew themselves to Ghauroon and he would use them with promises of wealth.

Ghauroon Does Not Pay Tax

The day came when Mosses was assigned to carry out the tax law and collecting it to give to less fortunate. Mosses told Ghauroon “now the time has come to give people a share of your money so in the eyes of God you won’t be an outcast and people will not curse you. You, like other wealthy people must give a portion of your wealth to the heady.”

After calculating the amount he had to pay, it was too much to part with. “I can’t pay so much.” he said “God did not send this money from the sky and I did not steel it either. I came to this money with my own cleverness and people have no right or claim to my wealth.”

Mosses was patient with him and he agreed to receive one dinar for every thousand dinars.

Mosses said “if you want to live among the people you must accept God’s instructions.”

So Ghauroon asked for some time to think. He went home and did more calculation and thought even the one dinar he paid was too much. The next day he told Mosses “with your words you want to deplete me of my wealth. I have decided that there is no way I will pay any taxes but if you are in need I will help you.”

Mosses said “no, I don’t want the anything for myself. I have been instructed to speak about fairness and show the way to righteousness and those who will not obey their outcome will be like Pharaoh and you are aware of that.”

Ghauroon’s money had made him very arrogant so he said “now it has come to this. You are threatening me with your staff and dragon. In that case I refuse to pay any amount of tax and you can do anything you want.”

Mosses said “I am no capable of anything myself, this is coming from God and it must be so. You think about it. God has lots of patience for the believer but God’s wrath will be painful and unbearable. So you still think about it and give your answer soon so we know where we stand.”

When Mosses left, Ghauroon’s followers asked “what did Mosses say?”

Ghauroon said in frustration “what did Mosses say? He was saying things so outrageous that causes horns to stick out of head. He was saying bread and butter is better than a juicy roasted chicken, he said that burlap cloth is better to wear than silk cloth. He said that it’s God’s wish for Ghauroon to be poor, mosses is jealous and cannot see a person prospering in life and in the end he threatened me.”

They said “Mosses is a frightening man. You can distort him for he is not very strong.”

Ghauroon said “there are things I take into consideration and you don’t. Mosses has a good heart and has given me time up to now to think but this time his words were very harsh. Mosses caries a good name among the people and by hurting him the Israelites will be very upset. I just don’t know what to do to keep him away from me?”

They said “people would believe a great wealthy man like you if we made a false accusation and shame him among the people.”

“That is not a bad idea. How about we spread the word that Mosses is a thief?”

They said “not good. You will never find a stolen item among his possessions.”

“How about, we say he has committed murder” Ghauroon suggested

They said “not good. There is not a soul who has ever argued or be upset with Mosses.”

Ghauroon said “we can commit the murder and pin it on Mosses?”

“It won’t work. No one will believe it and we cannot prove it.” they said.

“Why not?” Ghauroon said “it will work. Money fixes everything. We will pay someone to commit the crime and another as a witness. People would do anything for money and I have plenty of it.”

“You are a sly one.” they said

Ghauroon said. Yes. We are talking about my life savings; I would not be called Ghauroon without it.”

So they all agreed and they began with false accusations with Ghauroon saying Mosses has asked him for a woman servant and Mosses is bribing me and he has relations with this and that person. And so the news filled the streets and Satan stirred the pot of ugliness saying Mosses is afraid of Ghauroon and he is not a considerate man when it comes to his relations. So the people began to believe and started doubting their beliefs.

Result of Disobedience

Mosses was heartbroken and turned to God asking to stop Ghauroon’s corruption among the people. God instructed Mosses to try once more to change Ghauroon’s heart and if he does not the ground is under Mosses’ control.

Mosses made a final visit to Ghauroon but he would not listen to reason and said “everything you say is a lie and I do not submit to you or your God.”

Misses was saddened at his words and said “if you don’t reconsider you words God’s wrath will be upon you.”

Ghauroon said “even your wrath is not true. You’re trying to take my wealth away from me.”

“I don’t want your money” Mosses said “but God wants fairness for all. Your wealth comes from soil and rocks and so to soil and rocks they will return along with you.”

Mosses instructed the ground “ground, take Ghauroon.”

At once an earthquake shook the ground and Mosses said “those who follow Ghauroon will go with him and those who believe in God will be spared.”

People quickly shifted and separated from Ghauroon but a few black hearted people stayed behind.

Mosses asked Ghauriin once again “will you ask God for forgiveness and be his friend or you will be winked into the ground.”

Ghauroon said “I want my money. I want to always remain beside my money.”

Mosses said “so this will be your final wish and it will come true. All your wealth along with you will be underground.”

In that moment the ground split and swallowed Ghauroon and his wealth.

This was not the end. Satan would still be busy with his trickery and leading people astray. But for the time being those who witnessed Ghauroon’s outcome repented their sins and they lived in agreement, love, peace and fairness.