
Prophet David
Translated from the book: Good stories for Good Children

Tauloot and Jauloot were two disagreeable kings in Yemen.

Tauloot were an Israelites tribe and Jauloot tribe were idol worshipers.

When war broke out between the two kings, Tauloot could see he is being defeated and David came to his rescue.

David was a good man and his family line goes back to one of Jacob’s sons. David had four older brothers whom were shepherds. David learned to make baskets, work with metal and carpentry. He also enjoyed being a Sheppard and sometimes helped his brothers with the flock.

David was still a young man when he accepted his father’s wishes to join the Tauloot army in defeating the idol worshipers.

In those days when one side was being defeated instead of having more casualties each side chose two strong men to fight against each other and bring the war to an end.

Jauloot was a powerful warrior, when he stepped forward, no one dared to fight him but David volunteered to enter the fighting circle.

Tauloot quickly ordered the best Sward, the best horse and spears to be at David’s disposal. But David ignored them and said “the clothes on my back and this sling is all I need.” David Took a breath and said “Jauloot prides on him sward, armour and his strength but my faith is deeper than that, Jauloot lifts his sward in the name of the idols but the stone held in this sling is in the name of God”

Just than Jauloot yelled “who is brave enough to fight me.”

David said “the one who is not afraid of you or death.”

Jauloot took one look at David and said “you look very young.” and with a satisfied smile said. “Come than; fight me with all your might.”

David said “take this.” and he released from his sling a stone that landed on Jauloot’s forehead.

Jauloot became dizzy and began swaying from side to side. He through his sward with all his might and landed at David’s feet. David pulled the sward out of the sand and swung it back to Jauloot and brought him to the ground and Jauloot breathed no more.

Screams were heard from both sides and Jauloot’s men took off while Tauloot announced their victory.

Tauloot was very pleased with David’s bravery and decided to give his only daughter in marriage and accepted David in parliament and the courts as one of Tauloots trusted advisers.

David always showed good character and high level of competence in all his dealings and responsibilities. Due to his strong faith in God, he was known as the strongest and bravest man among his people and worthy of their trust.

After a while Tauloot became jealous of the attention and respect given to David, even though he was his son-in-law, and this satanic feeling resulted in David stepping down from position of power.

David said to Tauloot “I don’t expect anything from you, the war with Jauloot was my duty and I defeated him for the people and for God. God has a vast country and one can work for God anywhere and in the end I will receive my reward from God, weather I am a king or a shepherd.” and David Walked away to his new calling and destination.

David the Prophet

David traveled from Yemen to Palestine and began inviting people on the path to God. When God gave him the book of Zaboor, David would sing out the verses with his fine voice. Birds flying overhead and people passing by would stop, listen and be mesmerized with David’s voice and the pulling effect it had on them to come forward and connect with God.

Time passed but Tauloot’s people never forgot David and when Tauloot passed away the people could not think of a better leader than David. So, they invited David back to Yemen and gave the control and ruling of the city to him.

Word spread of Tauloot’s passing and insecurity set in and the enemy came to take over Yemen from all directions.

One of David’s inventions was the creation of steel armour that no one at that time new about. David began to make clothes out of thin strips of softened steel and told his soldiers to wear them under their clothes.

Word spread that the bodies of David’s soldiers are not normal skin for arrows and swords cannot penetrate them. The enemy was frightened and escaped the war zone.

Some time passed before others learned how to make steel armour.

For a while David’s city was free from enemies and within the city he would not allow the weak be taken advantage of by the strong. Therefore the strong did not approve of David’s laws and regulations for they wanted money and power. So they began their disagreeable and bothersome ways with David.

The outcome of this behaviour caused David to be more strict and to explain the reasons for such laws so the people would understand and measure its validity for themselves.

David’s daily tasks was to spend one day in prayer and meditation one day as the king and ruler.

One day as David was praying the alter doors burst open and two men walked in and stood before David.

David said “what do you want, don’t you know today is the day for prayer and not for law.”

They said “yes we do, but justice does not know this and we are in disagreement and need your wisdom.”

David said “very well.”

One man said “the issue is, my brother has ninety two lambs and I have one. He wants to take that one from me.”

David said “your brother wants to do injustice upon you. Those who don’t believe in God tend to be led astray.”

The two men became silent and quickly left the altar.

David bowed his head and realized he ruled hastily and that he should have listened to the other brothers reasoning as to why he wants to take the one lamb.

David went into thought and realized his verdict was unjust. Maybe the other brother had a right and God was testing the two men.

David asked God for forgiveness and promised he would not rush into conclusion and use reasoning to prove his ruling.

Another two men came to David to settle an issue. One man said “I have a field of lush green grass and this man’s sheep ate and trampled my field. We are looking to you for a fair resolution.”

David asked the sheep owner “why did you cause such damage to this man’s field.”

He replied “I was not aware my sheep accessing his field. Had I known, this would not be allowed. Also, the gate to his field should always be closed. His sheep are always safe from wolves same care should be taken for his field.”

David said “now what form of resolution do you expect.”

Field owner said “he should pay damages caused to me field.”

Sheep owner said “the sheep committed the damage not I and an animal cannot be held responsible.”

David said “would you agree if I send someone to review and access the damage?”

Field owner said “No. He would access the field but not my valuable time. I received enjoyment from my green field.”

Sheep owner said “No. I also do not agree. I want to know what your resolution is.”

David said “than we must discuss this further to reach a fair conclusion.”

David and Solomon

David assembled all his sons and explained the situation in order to reach a fair settlement for the two farmers.

No one was capable of finding a solution except Solomon, David’s eleven year old son the youngest of all the brothers.

Solomon said “the owner of the field was negligent in leaving the gate open. Owner of the sheep was also negligent in not looking after his flock. But what happened was not out of ignorance.”

Solomon took a deep breath and continued as the two farmers were eagerly waiting ” in any case, a damage has been sustained. In my opinion a fair settlement would be to in-trust the sheep to the field owner for a time so he can benefit from the use of its milk and in-trust the field to the sheep owner until the grass grows and looks as it did before and at that time they can swap back.”

Both farmers agreed and went on their way.

David lived for one hundred years and was king for forty years inviting people to worship the one God. After David, his son Solomon became king