Houd and Sawleh

Houd and Sawleh
Story of the book Good Stories for Good Children

Houd and the tribe of Aud.

Houd existed 300 years before Sawleh. Houd and Sawleh were both profits and were chosen by God to continue to spread Noah’s preaching. Houd and Sawleh did not posses a holy book and continued with the laws and regulations of Noah’s time.

Houd set out providing guidance for the Aud tribe which came to be 300 years after Noah.

Tribe of Aud worshiped idols and had forgotten Noah’s teaching. They believed in power and force. Those who were without had to be obedient at the hands of those who were powerful and forceful.

Profit Houd invited people to worship God and he made a mission trying to do so but the Aud tribe we’re stuck in their ways and traditions except a few who believed in Houd ‘s preaching.

Houd spoke his final words and told the believers that good fortune is waiting for them and to the nonbelievers that God’s Heavenly punishment awaits them. Satan told the Aud tribe.”Houd is crazy. He sees our gods but refuses to believe and expects us to believe the God we can not see and become righteous. He does not know that we have and control Auds land, streams, orchards, fields, house of idols, mountains and Auds wells. Than with what is Houd going to made us righteous, we already have everything”.

The harassment continued and finally Houd became hopeless and God send freezing wind and storm and flattened the Aud tribe and Houd with a few followers immigrated to another city and began a justly life.

Sawleh and the tribe of Samood.

For 200 years the land of Aud was not occupied until some desert people by the name of Samood moved to the region and settled at the foot of a mountain with flowing streams.

Within the Samood tribe there was plenty of hardship due to Sawleh, the leader, his followers seized and controlled the usage of water and land. They treated the rest of the people as their slaves. Their job was to build houses and idols. Each day the people worshiped the idols and prayed for a prosperous day.

Samood was very manipulative. He would decorate the idol house of worship and be present for praying just to get what he wanted from the people by saying” it’s a request from the idols.” there were idols of water, wind, fire and many others.

There were those who did not accept Samood and to punish or frighten them Samood would say “god of fire is instructing us to attack the neighboring city.” than in secret would burn down those people who did not accept his ways and say they disobeyed the god of fire.

If their was a dry spell, Samood would say. “god of rain is upset and needs a sacrifice.” By force he would sacrifice a Lamb from a family who did not accept Samood’s ways and later when it did rain he would say ” now the god of rain is pleased with us.”

and so it continued. Each day with a new lie to keep people under his control.

Time came when profit Sawleh received his prophecy from God. Sawleh was well known in the tribe as a just and fair man. Once he announced his prophecy people backed away and kept their distance out of fear of Samood.

Samood’s followers said “Sawleh’s new ideas will create chaos among people and he is trying to gain control on what belongs to us.”

Satan would also be busy with his trickery and misleading ways and putting wrong thoughts into people’s mind.

A small group of people believed Sawleh and accepted his God. Sawleh would not give up. At every chance, he talk to people and proof what Samood is doing is wrong.

Samood had heard about the Aud tribe and was worried for the same fait. One day Samood gathered his followers. “I am not sure what Sawleh is up to, he is luring the people towards his God.”

They invited Sawleh to their meeting and Samood said “you are a good man and to now no one has seen a wrong doing in your family. Now the things you say are confusing the people. You must put a stop to what your doing.”

Sawleh said.”whatever I say comes from God and if God wills it whatever you imagine to be will be.”

Sawleh’s Camel

Samood’s followers asked Sawleh for a miracle, something he can not produce. “we ask that you produce a living camel out from the creese of this mountain, one that lives on water alone.”

Sawleh said ” God is the knower and doer of all things. There is one condition for such miracle. The water rights will be alternated. One day the water will be for the camel and one day for Samood.

Sawleh’s intention was to break the control that Samood had over the distribution of water and the camel water will in effect be for the people.

Samood was certain that such miracle will not be possible agreed to the condition.

Sawleh said “don’t forget your making a solid promise. If any harm comes to the camel, you can be sure a heavenly suffering will come to you.”

Samood said “we agree. If you are successful we will not harm the camel and if we stray a heavily curse is accepted as punishment.”

Sawleh prayed to God and his pray was answered. Out from the creese in the mountain came out a strong camel.

“now you must obey the promise you made, one day the water belongs to the camel and one day yours and if any harm comes to the camel God will send down a great suffering.” Sawleh reminded them.

After the people witnessed this great miracle some believed in the one God but those who lost their power, position and control were not pleased. They were worried to bring harm to the camel and their pride would not accept to join Sawleh.

And so it continued with the distribution of water till one day Samood’s followers got together and said “here is the miracle we asked for and here is Sawleh’s camel. It’s true that the camel came from the mountain but the result has been detrimental to us. Our pastures and water fountains are drying, our trees are wilting and yet one day the water belongs to those illiterate people to wash themselves and allow their kids to play in the water. Each day the people get closer to Sawleh and away from Samood.”

One day Samood’s people got together to figure out a way to get rid of the camel. Satan was present and said “I have a suggestion. We have to deceive Sawleh and the people. Nothing is better than deception.”

“very good. What do you have in mind.” Samood asked.

Satan said “it’s very easy. We will deceive someone into killing the camel and another to witness and kill them. Than we will let Sawleh know how sad we are and the person who killed the camel got what he deserved. We will also send someone to spread rumors that the one who killed the camel was an insane man and Sawleh was very angry and killed him and wants to kill a thousand people to get revenge for the camel. By doing this, the control of the water will be released back to you, the camel is out of the way and the people will be frightened of Sawleh.”

Samood was impressed and began to applaud. “very good. This is the only way. The idols are helping us with this issue.”

They found a young man and promised him wealth, home and wife in return for killing the camel.

They found another man and told him “there is someone who is going to kill the camel, find and kill him and come collect your prize.”

They also went among people and spread rumors that the god of water is angry with Sawleh’s camel and soon will remove the camel for good.

And the plan was put in motion.

Many people turned away from Sawleh and said “the water is once again controlled by Samood and he has been right all along.”

After this horrific behavior from the people God covered the sky with black clouds.

Sawleh said “God knows everything. You condemned yourselves and broke your promise and Gods hour of torment is getting nearer. This is not a dark rain cloud but a cloud of torment unless you ask God for forgiveness and follow me on the right path to God and break down the house of idols. You have three days and on the last day I will leave you and the wrath of God will be upon you.”

Samood said “we are not afraid of dark clouds and seen plenty of storms. Tell this to someone who’s house is not build with stones and bricks. Take your people and leave us.”

The clouds became darker and on the last night Sawleh and some followers packed their bags and moved out of Samood’s city.

The mountains erupted and hot lava and fiery rocks were thrown on to Samood and his people. Their homes demolished and the land flattened.

Samood’s people were destroyed by God but Satan’s idol invention had grown to other cities. People had forgotten Noah and worshiped idols and were subjected to force and unfairness.

Time came to teach people about fairness and justice for all with the arrival of profit Abraham.