Inspired by listening to honorable Dr. Ebrahimi Dinani in Youtube clip “همش نگو فرموده، خودت هم فکر کن”. I am gratetful to have the opportunity to learn from this one of a kind religious thinker.
This is an idea for a spiritual scholar/phylosopher to lead. Here is the general idea in a nutshell: Group of people contemplate on a topic and share their experiences for the purpose of redefining the process and making improvements as well as gaining spiritual advancements, God Willing.
- The leader defines a topic to contemplate on. Reference would be Quran or other holy books. Example of topic: Creation of Earth and Galaxies.
- The leader defines a basic skeleton of the points to focus. Example: What are we going to think about Earth and Galaxies? Maybe the verses of Quran or topic of creation can be referenced.
- The leader asks group of supporters to register online within a certain period to participate in this projects for 40 days.
- Everyday participants contemplate on the subject according to the base guidelines.
- They share their thoughts at the end of the day or on the last 40th day. It is optional.
- After 40 days, there would be some extremely valuable inspirations as the result of the contemplations.
- Then the leader would review the feedbacks, and re-define the topic and the guidelines.
- The process repeats. New people or existing participants register and start another 40 days of contemplation.
- This exercise establishes and fine tunes a practical way to the art of contemplation. Members benefit from this as well.
- We have seen non-religious groups claim they have a program for self reflection or how to focus, etc. We as Moslems or Christians or Jews need to have a step by step procedure. Once we gain experience on how to walk (I mean how to contemplate), then maybe we can fly.
- The great outcome of this project should not have monetary benefits. Only a leader can appreciate the value he is introducing to humanity.
- If there is anything I can do to initiate this project, I am available.
- If you already have such a program, I would be interested to participate.
- Thank you for your time.