Pilates vs yoga.
Both are a form of exercise.
Pilates was developed in Germany by Joseph Pilates in early 20 century. Yoga was originated in India.
Margarine vs butter
Butter is made of cream. Margarine is hydrogenated vegetable oil. Hydrogenation adds an extra hydrogen atom to the oil, which causes it to thicken. This process turns it black, it is then bleached to be white and then coloring is added to it so that it looks like butter. This process is unhealthy.
Anxiety and worry
Anxiety and worry are two negative emotions that are unwelcome to all of us because of the experience they bring to us. It is normal for a person to worry about wellbeing of their family, job situation, business and possessions.
Anxiety, on the other hand, is another similar emotional state that arises from constant worry and fear and preoccupies the mind on a single topic treating everything else in our day to day life as irrelevant.
One thing you can do to lesson this emotion is to look up in to the sky. Pass some of this negative emotion to the creator and ask it for help. You will be amazed at how relieved you will be. What you are doing is sharing and talking about your burden with someone else.
Weight and mass
What’s the difference between weight and mass?
As long as you stay on Earth, the difference is more philosophical than practical.
Uh…what do you mean by that?
Well, mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object; weight is a measurement of how hard gravity is pulling on that object. Your mass is the same wherever you are–on Earth, on the moon, floating in space–because the amount of stuff you’re made of doesn’t change. But your weight depends on how much gravity is acting on you at the moment; you’d weight less on the moon than on earth, and in interstellar space you’d weigh almost nothing at all.
Jam and jelly
The difference between jelly and jam is that jelly is made strictly from the juice of fruit while jam is made from crushed fruit. Specifically, jelly is made by crushing fruit, then straining out everything but the juice. The juice is then boiled, typically with sugar and pectin added, the latter of which reacts with the sugar and heat to give the jelly a thicker consistency for spreading.
Brown vs white bread
To understand more about the differences between brown bread and white bread, let us take a look at what constitutes a grain of wheat. All grains of wheat can be divided into three parts ‘“ the bran which is the husk on the outside constitutes 15% of the grain and is high in fiber and vitamins and minerals like B1, B2, B3, B6, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorous; the core is made up of the endosperm which is more than 80% of the grain and consists of proteins and carbohydrates; the rest of the wheat grain is made up of the germ and it also contains a good amount of vitamins, minerals, fat and protein.
White bread is made up of only the endosperm part of the bread. The fiber rich, nutritious part of the wheat grain like bran and germ are removed from it.
Brown bread or whole wheat bread includes all parts of the grain ‘“the bran, endosperm and the germ ‘“thus making it more nutritious and healthier for you.
The brown bread is considered to go through less processing than white bread. For white bread, after the bran and germ parts are removed, potassium bromide, chlorine dioxide gas or benzyl peroxide is used to bleach the flour. White bread is known to be made from ‘enriched flour’ whereas brown bread is made up of ‘whole wheat flour’.
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