3- self Assessment; Accounting Farsi: Mohasebe
When completing a task; or at the end of the day; starts to assess his work. Weight its value with religious scale to understand its benefits and loss.
Ghoraun Alhashr (59)-18:
Believers, fear Allah. Let every soul look to what it has forwarded for the future, and fear Allah, for Allah is Aware of the things you do.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَلْتَنْظُرْ نَفْسٌ مَا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
Ghoraun Alrad (13)-40:
Whether We show you part of that We promise them, or We call you to Us, it is only for you to deliver the Message, and Ours is the accounting.
وَإِنْ مَا نُرِيَنَّكَ بَعْضَ الَّذِي نَعِدُهُمْ أَوْ نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ فَإِنَّمَا عَلَيْكَ الْبَلَاغُ وَعَلَيْنَا الْحِسَابُ
Hazrat Ali:
People, test yourself before the time arrives to test you. Assess yourself before it is time for you to be assessed.
Ghoraun Aljasieah (45)-27 to 29:
To Allah belongs the Kingdom in the heavens and the earth. On the Day when the Hour comes, those who disbelieved shall be the losers. (27)
You shall see every nation hobbling on their knees. Each nation shall be summoned to its Book. (And it will be said:) ‘This Day, you shall be recompensed for what you were doing. ‘(28)
This is Our Book that speaks with the truth over you. We have recorded all that you were doing. ‘ (29)
وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَيَوْمَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ يَوْمَئِذٍ يَخْسَرُ الْمُبْطِلُونَ
وَتَرَى كُلَّ أُمَّةٍ جَاثِيَةً كُلُّ أُمَّةٍ تُدْعَى إِلَى كِتَابِهَا الْيَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ مَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
هَذَا كِتَابُنَا يَنْطِقُ عَلَيْكُمْ بِالْحَقِّ إِنَّا كُنَّا نَسْتَنْسِخُ مَا كُنْتُمْ تَعْمَلُونَ
The seekers are always reviewing their accounts, a mistake detected will be dealt with quickly and scold the ego. They quickly turn into compensating the wrong doing. He then prays to God to forgive him.
A businessman has several accounts; general ledger, receivable, payables, etc. A seeker will have accounts for eyes, ears, behaviours, hearts, feet, hands. Knowing what he looks, what he hears, where he is going., where his attention is, who he is socializing with. A businessman with no books will experience bankruptcy.
Mohammad; Praise to him and his descendants:
Wherever you are, be aware of God. If committing a sin, follow with a good deed so He may consider cleansing your action. Be gentle and deal with people with great attitude; conduct yourself well.
Prayers are medicine to eliminate ignorance. If someone decides to take a medicine, is he favouring the doctor?!