
Abraham &Auzar
From the book: Good Stories for Good Children

Profit Abraham became an orphan at a young age and his uncle, Auzar, raised him. Abraham referred to his uncle as father. Their family was well known and respected throughout the city.

At Abraham’s time, in the city of Bauble, the people worshiped idols and Abraham’s uncle, Auzar, was an idol maker and the keeper of the house of idols was a good friend of Auzar.  But Abraham did not involve himself with worshiping idols.

Even at a young age Abraham was very smart and always engaged his intellect on different matters. Abraham would gaze at the stars, sky, and the sun and see the greatness of this creation and could not allow his mind to believe the idols that were made from sticks and stones to be responsible for such creation.

At Abraham’s time besides idol worshiping there was another misfortune and that was Namrod.

Namrod was the powerful king of city of Bauble and the whole country obeyed his laws which made him conceded in character. He did not view anyone or anything higher than himself and eventually believed he was god.

Prior to Namrod no human being had a godly claim.  There were idols representing god but Namrod took a step further and said “in the sky we have idols representing god of clouds, wind, sun and others and on earth there is someone who takes care of the people and that’s called god of earth which is I, Namrod.”

When money and power is gathered in one place there is always those who are greedy and do anything to get close to it.

Some people accepted Namrod as a powerful king and gave him credibility saying “Namrod’s laws should be obeyed. Namrod is the keeper of all things, he supervises all people and their daily responsibilities. Namrod makes the ground fertile, keeps peace among the people, he distributes the water, he is a protector and if it was not for Namrod, there would be chaos. Therefore Namrod is god.”

Abraham’s uncle was busy with his job making a living from carving idols. Auzar was well respected among the people and since Abraham was his nephew and stepson, people would hold their tongue when Abraham would complain about idols worshiping.

Abraham would show contempt when he was asked to deliver an idol to the house of idols. Abraham would bound the idol’s foot with rope and drag it on the ground. People saw this behaviour as a sign of disrespect and a sin. They would take their complaints to Auzar and say.

“This boy does whatever he wants and one day the idols will bring a curse on our heads. Control and discipline him. If he makes the idols angry our days will be blackened to no end.”

Abraham would ask questions when Auzar tried to advise him and Auzar would be stumped and be left without an explanation.

Abraham said “I want these people to understand that these idols cannot tell the difference between right and wrong and bad and good. The idols provide no purpose and they are detrimental to people’s beliefs and keeps people in ignorance.”

Auzar was speechless and in his defence replied. “Ok Abraham, you keep your ideas to yourself. If Namrod finds out and your words reach his ears we will have a dangerous situation on our hands.”

Abraham said. “Namrod is a person like everyone else and his days will come to an end. If people were not so ignorant and give Namrod heirs than he would not claim to be god.”

Abraham continued “We must make people aware of the fact that the moon, stars, clouds and wind are much better than idols. We all have to believe in the God who created the moon, stars, clouds, wind and the earth and life and death and everything is in the hands of the creator”

Auzar replied “oh Abraham, you must not be hasty, please be calm and have pity on your poor uncle and don’t do something to bring harm to us all.”

As time went by Abraham became known as the one who disbeliefs in the idols. People would stop Abraham and question him saying. “Hey Abraham, we have heard wild stories about you not respecting our idols and if the idols curse, you will parish.”

Abraham replied. “Something that cannot bring benefit obviously cannot inflict harm either” suddenly Abraham picked up an idol and smashed it to the ground. Saying, “you see, it s nothing but a piece of rock and you are foolish to worship such things.”

The people said “but our ancestors worshiped them”

“One is no different from the rest. You’re all on the wrong path. Satin has misled you and I have come to save you from your own ignorance and show you the way to worship the one God” Abraham said.

This way of talk got people thinking and some accepted Abraham’s words but others remained in darkness.

And so the days passed until the New Year day where everyone except those with illness would attend a big celebration. Abraham made a big decision that day and excused himself saying he was not feeling good and stayed behind.

As soon as the city was vacated Abraham picked up a big axe and entered the house of idols.

All the idols, big and small were standing or sitting on a special platform. There were baskets of food in front of some idols as a sign of health and blessing and they believed once the idol has blessed the food the person who eats it would not get sick that year.

Abraham looked at the idols and said sarcastically “please, have some food. Why are you not eating? Why aren’t you speaking?” than he raised the axe and began smashing and breaking the idols. Once he was done, Abraham put the axe on the shoulder of the biggest idol and went home and had a restful sleep.

Abraham and Namrod

The celebration day came to an end, the people returned and went to worship where they saw all their idols shattered and scattered on the floor and the big axe sitting on the biggest idol. They began to scream and cry out. The keeper of the house ran to inform Namrod.

Namrod said “investigate who could have committed such an act and they will be punished”

Some people recalled seeing Abraham breaking an idol and sent word. “there is a person among us that has a history of idol braking and this must be his doing.”

They found Abraham and brought him to the court of justice where the judge said” Abraham, the day of the celebration all the idols were smashed to the ground and you were the only one in town. What do you know about this?

Abraham said “why are you asking me and not the idles?”

Judge said “the Idols are broken and we cannot ask them.”

Abraham said “they say the axe was found on the shoulder of the biggest idol. Maybe he got mad and cursed all the other idols. Ask him and he will tell the truth.”

Judge said “oh Abraham. The idols are made out of stones, big or small does not matter, we can’t ask questions from stone and wood.

Abraham said “Than why do you worship such things that cannot look after themselves and you expect them to look after you”

Judge said “we are not here to chit chat. We are accusing you of this crime and the people have already labelled you as Abraham the idol destroyer. Either you have to proof this is not your doing or get ready for a severe punishment.”

Abraham said “let me explain. You say your accusing me of a crime but I feel I am not guilty of. You say people have labelled me as idol destroyer but I don’t care about names. You say I have a history in distorting idols but I say wood and stones are not my enemy. In fact Ignorance and foolishness are my enemy. You want me to proof this is not my doing? First, I have to say what I do comes from God. The God that I know is the one God the doer and the knower of all. He can distort this land with a blink of an eye and erect another. God of Abraham is one who created the heavens and earth and instructed us to do good and keep law and order for the benefit of all people.”

Judge said ” we have found our subject. Abraham does not believe or accept our way of worship and his sentence will be handed down immediately.”

Abraham and Fir

Abraham’s words put thoughts into people’s head and each group began talking among themselves and gave Abraham the benefit. When Namrod witnessed this he said “we were wrong in trying Abraham in public. We wanted to proof he is quality and make a point so none like this would happen. Abraham is not afraid of anything. Fire is the only source of punishment.”

They started the fire and people gathered. Abraham was brought out. The heat of the fire could be felt from afar. The idol house keeper read out his sentence and asked Abraham for final words.

Abraham said “my only wish is for people to seize worshiping idols and turn to the God of creations. The God that can turn this very fire to a field of flowers”

The keeper said “as you can see he still does not have any remorse for what he has inflicted upon us.”

As they brought him closer to the flaming fire Abraham’s spirit was in peace and he said “dear mighty God, to you I surrender and ask for help”

Then God put the idol keeper in the fire and released Abraham from the flames. and God instructed the fire to turn cool and safe. The rope that was bound to Abraham’s wrist came loose and he stepped out of the fire unharmed and once again inviting people to worship the one God.

Soon after the miracle was witnessed, Namrod instructed Abraham to vacate the city. The people were very greedy; they wanted both Abrahams God as well as everything Namrod had to offer. They were not willing to let go of their idols so they rejected Abraham’s invitation to worship the one God and so God send down his wrath where Namrod was bitten by a deadly fly and became very ill and died. The people witnessed a harsh drought and God took away all their blessings from the city of Bauble.

Abraham and his wife Sarah whom did not have any children moved to Egypt. When they entered Egypt the solders took them as spy’s and brought them to be questioned by the king.

King of Egypt learned about their background and even though their religion was in conflict the king saw Abraham as a kind and wise man and a guest in his city so, he gave Abraham and Sarah a servant by the name of Haujar and said ” we do not harm our guests and our people hold their own strong beliefs. Your new ideas will result in conflict and bloodshed. It’s best you move out of Egypt.”

Abraham viewed the city of Egypt to have same ignorant and foolish people as Bauble. He took his belongings and with Sarah moved to Palestine and began his life among the mountain people and slowly spread the word of God.

Abraham and Ishmael

Abraham settled in Palestine with Sarah and he longed for a child so he married Hojar, their Egyptian servant, and Hojar born a son they named Ishmael.

Sarah, whom could not bare children, was very sad and told Abraham “I can’t endure life with Hojar and it saddens me being without a child and I am worried that hatred will develop between us”

Abraham understood Sarah’s plea. He asked God for help and so he separated the two women. One night Abraham took Hojar and Ishmael to the city of Mecca and settled them on a piece of fertile and blessed land. Abraham said to Hojar “God’s request is for you to live hear” and he returned.

The next day Hojar found herself and her son in the hot desert. She began to see a mirage and so she began to walk toward it. It is said that Hojar walked back and forth seven times and on her final return saw damp sand where her son’s heel dug into the ground. she dropped down on her knees and saw water gushing out and thanked God for his blessing.

This became a stopping place for travelers where there used to be no water and they held Hojar and Ishmael dear to have been the cause of this fertile land. This water source is called Zam Zam and it still exists in Mecca close to Kaaba.

From time to time Abraham visited Hojar and Ishmael and once Ishmael turned thirteen years of age Sarah was blessed with a son they named Isak

One night Abraham had a dream that he is busy giving gifts in the name of God when Abraham heard a calling.”your gifts are well received but a gift is special when it’s something dear to your heart.” Abraham said “my son Ishmael is dear to my heart” the calling came”than sacrifice Ishmael in the name of God.”

Abraham was aware that a prophets dream is true from God and it’s not a dictation from Satan. He decided to sacrifice Ishmael in the name of God.

Abraham told his dream to Ishmael and said.”a paradise is the result of all that God wants.”
Abraham’s heart was beating out of his chest for the love he had for his son and yet would not hold anything back from God. So he took Ishmael to the sacrifice site.

Abraham said “Dear God behold that Abraham and Ishmael are your humble servants and this is your ruling” uncontrollable tears rolled down Abraham’s face.

At that moment came a heavenly calling.”Abraham your sacrifice is accepted. You are God’s friend and servant. Re-frame from your son and in place of him sacrifice a lamb.”

Both father and son thanked God and this news reached the people and encouraged them to give.

Abraham and building of Kaaba.

Many years passed and Ishmael and Isak became young men. A group of people whom believed in the God of Abraham surrounded Mecca. That’s where Abraham received his calling from God to build the Kaaba so that on earth there will be a house for people to turn to and come to on a special day so that everyone will be aware of how their fellow man is doing.

Abraham with the help of his children built the cube shape house and named it House of God.

Upon Abraham’s passing Ishmael became a prophet and later Isak and Jacob and others who continued Abraham’s teaching form the Scrolls of Abraham until time came and God gave the book of Tora on to Mosses.

Now, a few words about Satan. In all this time Satan was also busy misleading people every chance he get and every bad situation he sees he would build his web of lies mislead the uneducated and keep the ignorant people to believe in idols.